The Unbroken Reverie

...the spirit never ceases to flourish.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kill the Bill!

Written by Mike Gallego

Here is an informative video about the so-called "National Suicide Bill":

Poverty in our country is not because of overpopulation. The cause why our country is poor should be attributed to other reasons like our leaders’ insatiability, mismanagement, corruption, lack of discipline, and immorality.

Sacrificing our moral values and eternal well-being of our country for the presumed economic stability in the future will only set our nation in a more disturbing problem than we are experiencing now. We should not abandon the moral values and laws that the Supreme Law Giver has given us.

2 Comment(s) -:

Fergie said...

fight! :D

Mike Gallego said...

One cannot be a Catholic and support the Reproductive Health Bill... hehe ganun talaga kasimple.. :)