The Unbroken Reverie

...the spirit never ceases to flourish.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

10 Random Facts About Me

Written by Mike Gallego

Tagged by: Ken Borce, CJ de Silva, SB, Ange, Rhessa, and Ashen.

  • Each blogger must post these rules first.
  • Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
  • Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  • Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

10 completely random facts about me:

  1. I used to act on stage back when I was a kid. I have played two leading roles: Anton of West Side Story and Che Guevara of Evita Peron.
  2. I am always in constant need of information of my interest. I can't stand not knowing something and not doing anything about it.
  3. Most of my friends are girls and they are all taken. That could possibly be the reason why I haven’t had any girlfriend in the past two years.
  4. I come from a broken home. My mom and dad separated last February, 2008. I did not stop them for I believed that they were old enough to make decisions for themselves; besides, what could I do? I would rather see them that way than to see them fight every time they see each other.
  5. I attend mass at the historical small chapel in my school before going to the assembly. I ask God to give me strength to resist all the negative strength that I will be encountering all through the day.
  6. I chose Information Technology as my high school specialization. I can do a lot of things with computer.
  7. I protect those special to me like the knight who swears to protect the king—risks all to fulfill his oath. I am willing to sacrifice even my life for these people whenever possible.
  8. I am not afraid to die and for me, the best way to die is to die for others; my family, friends, or anyone special to me. I place my life as a Holy Sacrifice on the Altar of God. Nothing in the world could make me happier than having the opportunity to die for someone.
  9. When somebody does me wrong, I don't usually fight back especially when we are not close. I never get even; it is not worth it. I usually let it go. It is not that I am afraid, but simply because I am lazy. I have also done a lot of wrong myself; nobody is perfect. I am very forgiving of people. I encourage gentleness, and discourage violence.
  10. I can be more disillusioned than anyone if let down by those I trust. I get all upset and angry with others when things do not go the way I fully expected them to. That could be the reason why I rather not put all my expectations on what I should get, but base them on what I can give or do.

Now I tag: Mikey, Luis, Ryan, Rod, Louise, Loren, Eduardo, Cher, Jessica, and Patty.
(The people mentioned above are not forced to write their own blog about their 10 facts.)

5 Comment(s) -:

Lou AƱonuevo said...

we both come from broken homes. we are the living proof that kids from broken homes don't always end up as freaks. check the 35th post in my web log. :]

Mike Gallego said...

knowing someone who shares the same situation somehow lightens up my burdens. completer families are really hard to find nowadays. i wish i can go back to the days we were complete and change any risk of getting broken. =(

Lou AƱonuevo said...

be happy! at least, your parents were being true to themselves. if they did go on with life while being together, they will only be fooling their selves and the family you've all built may also only go to waste.

Mike Gallego said...

that's true. it's destiny. hahaha!

Rod Ralph Z said...

comment. :)