The Unbroken Reverie

...the spirit never ceases to flourish.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Mountain of Broken Promises

Written by Mike Gallego

Brokeback Mountain or the gay cowboy movie, as what others call it, is a film of so much deepness and passion. It tells the story of two human beings who deeply, strongly, and purely love each other but were forced to close their hearts out to loving and suffered in the end because of how the society is.

It feels a little bit awkward to watch. I viewed it as a horror to some extent. Though, I got to realize some things by watching the film; mostly about love. I got to understand homosexuality more and learned that they really are more sensitive and caring than any kind. The ending was so sad and I almost cried. I sometimes do not understand why a lot of people are anti-gay; perhaps because of their religious belief. But hey, they are also humans who love and care.

Our CLE teacher told us one time that being so close to someone of the same sex is rather exceptional. He also explained to us that it is not really the same-sex attraction that the church condemns, but the acting out of homosexual inclinations. Mean to say, that it is the act itself that is condemned.

Active homosexuality is not good. If you are a Christian and you think that homosexual stuff like 69, BJ, anal sex, and the like are just okay; then, you are mistaken. However, based on the word of God, every human, regardless of the sexual orientation, must never be an object for inequity. Tendency should still be avoided because in every way it leads to act which is considered a sin. I hope that it is not just sex that all gay men are after.

Going back to the movie, I found this very romantic and emotional video on featuring Brokeback Mountain accompanied by the song “Please Remember Me” by Tim McGraw that, if you have not seen the movie yet, will give you an idea on how really the story did go. Please enjoy.

I was extremely sad after watching it. It brought tears to my eyes. Some scene just made me want to throw up. Funny. It made me think how hard it is for people like in the movie to deal with others around them, especially with themselves. Like the other guy in the movie, he never wanted to be that way since he is frightened about what others would think. I think that it is not really an easy matter to contend with. I saw that he really had a trouble fighting it and how it tore him apart.

The movie basically tells that love has no gender and when you love someone, you love someone. Hatred stirs up dissensions, but love covers all wrong.

27 Comment(s) -:

Anonymous said...

nakakaiyak and i kinda relate with it coz i had a bestfriend although we're not gay. we're just forced to break our friendship because our schoolmates started to think we have a thing for each other.

Anonymous said...

like all baptized Christians they are also called to serve Christ and they don’t deserve to be discriminated.

Anonymous said...

Lost a guy best friend when i was 16 and I miss him dearly like the first day and always will.

heath ledger was a great actor though.

Mike Gallego said...

comments are highly appreciated guys. thanks.

i agree steinhoiser.. homos should be given a chance.
anonymous.. that's sad, you shouldn't have let that happen.
dillon.. that's life. =)

Anonymous said...

okay.. i've watched this film 2years ago and my impression after the film was kadiri but the story was awesome.. :)

Anonymous said...

that movie is awesome though the gay community is condemn in our country and hated by many, they still are human beings that has the right to live. our culture is one of the aspects why homos hide their true self because of the fear that they'd be thrown out by their local community. like in the canister scandal right? when love hits a person, no matter what blocks his/ her way from loving the person he/ she loves can be destroyed by him/ her. so let us give them a chance if we can't urge our lawmakers to make a law for them, let's just respect them,like in the school premises of us, bosconians, they are discriminated.tsk2 anyway. this is louie, your online buddy:]

Mike Gallego said...

anonymous1... haha! me too. i couldn't stand some scenes. it was a great film though.. =)

anonymous2... right. very well said. haha! well. discrimination is not really an issue in our campus. all human beings should be respected. =)

Anonymous said...

lol i cant believe i havent watched this movie. I am such a loser. XD but i will, i will, i need to see this film, so unbelievable it almost made you cry? You are sooo gay sometimes. XD Hahaha!

Mike Gallego said...

duh. it's a sad movie. what do you expect? haha! devil may cry lol.

Rhyan Outrageous said...

DM goes Brokeback! Haha! I'm kidding! But I wish to thank you for takling such a topic over your blog. it was really such a brave thing to do, considering you are a GUY. And what you said is so so true, Love really has no gender to consider right? When it's love, it's love. Cheers for bisexuals, gays, lesbians or orgy homo-fags( Kidding!)

Anonymous said...

At first, I watched this film purely because of Heath Ledger, but after actually seeing it, I found it really remarkable. I was so surprised it didn't win Best Picture at the Oscars. *sighs* Oh well.

Mike Gallego said...

ryan... of course. haha! i'm brave, man! hahaha!

jessica... oh well, Oscars is all about politics. haha! Heath Ledger was also nominated for best actor right? =)

thanks for commenting guys. God bless. =)

Ron Evangelista said...

nice reflection mike.

Mike Gallego said...

thanks kuya ron. =)

Anonymous said...

69, BJ, anal sex

are not strictly homosexual acts.

give it a try sometime.


Anonymous said...

This isn't as simple as hate the sin but love the sinner.

It is the nature of homosexuals to pursue homosexual sex. Not that all they think about is that (how close-minded can you get), but in the end that's how all animals consummate their love.

Mike Gallego said...

vince... haha! gross! lol. yeap, but those acts are still more popular among gay men. =)

Mike Gallego said...

yes ozy... thanks for the comment. that's why it's mentioned that tendency should be eluded, so as to avoid sinning.

Anonymous said...

didnt watch the movie but i heard it was good.

a love story from a different perspective.. nice.

Mike Gallego said...

it's really a nice movie. you should watch it! ;)

Anonymous said...

This is why i'm against Catholicism.

They say that man's only duty is to love! But, when it is expressed between two males, it's considered a sin; making the scriptures contradictory.

And homosexuals re human beings as well, and if they were to be condemned, God would not have made them!

And if God had intended for homosexuals to be damned, and made them anyway, well then, that's a sucky God, don'tcha think?

Anonymous said...

Go Luis. ;))

Why would God make anything he`d be against? So that self-righteous people who think they know what`s right for others tell US what to do?

Who are we to dictate what the gods hold wicked?

Mike Gallego said...

guys... remember that the bible classifies the gay men among the adulterers, thieves, sexually immoral, idolaters, the greedy, the verbally abusive, drunkards, and swindlers...

they were those who opted to exchange the truth of God for a lie and worship and serve the creations instead of the Creator.

God was actually once restraining those guys from working their sinful desires out... and then he stopped doing so... letting them to spoil in what they willed.

men began to exchange their, what we call, natural sexual relationship for unnatural ones. men committed shameless acts with another and took in themselves the penalty for their mistake.

i don't really think that God was the one who caused homosexuality. i think homosexuality must be regarded as a punishment or a challenge.

Anonymous said...

The bible wasn't written by God, it was written by conservative and narrow minded Patriarchal "scholars"

I'm not saying that God is evil, what I'm saying is, if that's what the Scholar's think God is like, then their God must really suck.

And homosexuality is genetic! It's having more female hormones than male, but having a male body!

Love is a beautiful thing, and when two people fall in love, regardless of gender, it's a sacred act!

How can homosexuality become a punishment, when homosexuals are the ones being punished?!

What have they done? WHat's so wrong with same-sex love?

That's what I hate about Catholicism, not God, but Catholicism. Everything is so restrained, there's almost no margin for error! There's a fine print for everything, and when you err, you're condemned to hell.

To hell with it, I believe in what I thing is right, and I can without any judgment because I have the freedom to do so.

I have my own mind, which God gave me, to think with!

Mike Gallego said...

"Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things..." -- 2 Timothy 4:2-5

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

to give justice to myself.. haha (since you have posted my thoughts without my consent, i will show you the bigger picture)

adding hormones will not give you a new sexuality. physical traits yes, but not emotional. ergo, giving GMA testosterone wont make her a man. she'll just look like a man. gets?

as far as i know, there is nothing wrong with homos. ang ayaw lang ng church ay ang acts nila.

they are still created in the image and likeness of God. kahit ano pa sabihin ng society, still we have to respect them for the (cliche) fact that EVERYONE is created in HIS likeness and image.

to phoenix:
indeed we are given our own mind. but we were not endowed with for us to assume that we know, we can understand and we can explain everything. still, we have to follow certain guidelines as a person. (though i respect your points)