The Unbroken Reverie

...the spirit never ceases to flourish.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Happy Oh-Eight, Oh-Eight

Written by Mike Gallego

It is my holiday today! Well, sort of. August 8.

With all the hardships and trials that I have experienced in the past years of my life I must have matured to the next level to understand better what life really means. As I am reflecting about the years that have passed, having faced a lot of adversities, walked amidst many misfortunes, and endured so much agonies, I feel that someone has been here with me to guard me, defend me, and protect me all along. I never thought that I would be so strong, so brave, and so smart to withstand all of those. I never thought that I would be THE MAN.

The experience I had in the past were only a preparation for the next, and the next begins today, and it stops in eternity. This serves, for me, as a call for a continuing search for life’s purpose. As I begin my journey towards the next level, I know that the road would be tough and the water turbulent. Life is not a bed of roses; in fact, it may be the other way around. Encountering more problems, more difficulties, and more pains is very foreseeable. Nevertheless, even though demise would come, I know that I can always make them positive. As the saying goes, there is always a choice in times affliction. It is always either we choose to be submerged in depression, or choose to take advantage of the situation to become a better person.

I personally have not yet truly understood the reason why I exist, but I have discovered some secrets to life which I may share. Take advantage of all the situations in your life. Treat every hardship as an opportunity to equip yourself with the necessary learning on how to get on with life. Pray – pray for God’s help and guidance. Lastly, be on guard at all times.

As I actualize myself, I hope to build more bridges instead of burning them, to remain a positive impact to others, and to live a more meaningful life.

Lord, to you alone I surrender. To you alone I dedicate my life’s purpose. I love you. Bless me on my birthday.

2 Comment(s) -:

Louie said...

Life may not be a bed of roses, but you gotta take the time to smell them once in a while.

Kim C said...

I forgot that your birthday was after mine. Belated Happy Birthday DM.