As we look back to those four multihued years of this magnificent chapter in our lives, we cannot help but contemplate on those scenes that were laden with all kinds of adversities – fear, adjustment, bewilderment, criticisms, unceasing abundance of obligations, and so on.
There were times where the occurrences were tough and demoralizing that hit the highest points of our bounds. There were times where we were unable to help the tears, because we were alone, afraid, lost, or ashamed. Only until we had the guts to face and challenge our issues, and suffered several stumbling blocks and some loss of face – we learned. We considered them all as struggles, until we finally saw the point of them all.
Suddenly, it seemed that we started to cultivate in many fields and the world threatened us no more. Little by little, bit by bit, we determined the difference between right and wrong, real and unreal, just and unjust.
The past years had been, as we might say, an enthralling maturity for all of us. This must be attributed to Don Bosco, Mary Help of Christians, and all the Salesian Saints who have never failed to intercede for us, and to the Divine Providence that has been always sustaining us.
High School was just short, exhilarating and demanding, yet full of surprises and wonderful experiences. During our four years in High School, all of us exceptionally did a lot of maturing, a lot of growing up. We may not always notice them, but we can always find them, if we do so, inside our hearts, somewhere they could not be obviously seen, and only throbbing is heard.
So long, old man. I will see you again sometime soon. And when that time comes, I will make it sure that you will be proud of me.
Dearest Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us all in the previous chapters of our lives. Thank you for the biggest family you have given us in the Educative-Pastoral Community of Don Bosco Technical College. Thank you for our families, and everyone you have given us for support, love and companionship.
As me and my batch go to college, grant each of us the wisdom, assurance, and focus to make the most out of our new lives. Bless all of us and provide us with the necessary things for us to be able to keep on moving forward in making our home, and our school proud.
To everyone, I offer my gratitude. And with my sincerest wishes for one and all, congratulations! We made it.
I love you all from the bottom of my heart.
4 Comment(s) -:
u seem to be a rily loving person, how much do u luv the world & the people in it?
aww congrats Mike! good luck in college!
loving. haha! secret. LOL
same to you, jaime.
I did feel quite sentimental when I graduated from high school too. but don't worry you'll have more fun in college: new faces, new friends, new experiences etc. Good luck! :-D
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