The Unbroken Reverie

...the spirit never ceases to flourish.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Life's Not a Bed of Roses

Written by Mike Gallego

It has been a long while since I last checked and updated this site so I will right now.

I have been reading, eating, sleeping, walking and drooping during the times I was not here. I was an usher during the 52nd Commencement Exercise in my school. My job was to assist the parents to the place where their sons are. It was mortally exhilarating; nevertheless, I had fun since I had the chance to tender my service to my beloved school and schoolmates for another time, plus I got to meet and congratulate the graduates personally. I also got comments on a ‘letter’ from a teacher which made me feel rather good about myself. I have so many pictures I should put up here from the graduation, but I am quite lazy right now and don’t want to. Sorry people. Oh yes, Kenneth Borce who is trying to revive his old blog, Strange Game, went too, just to scrutinize me and know how I am doing. That is basically how important I have turned out to be. Yes, I am a braggart; live with it.

Now, I am here just sitting at a corner in my mind, writing down this entry, reflecting on what to write and what not to write. I should write something sensible, right? Here I go.

I watched a video of the great famine taking place in some parts of the world, by and large in Africa. Each day, we live in radiance and comfort of our homes, schools, and some futile spaces. We are fortunate people and have the ability to go and get a food whenever we want but for people over some areas where there is famine, people are starving and dying. No one deserves to die in starvation. Looking at them in the video and seeing how skinny they are and their condition may already cause us distress and pain; I mean what if you are there in their place? Why do we let this to happen? Shame on us all! There is a way that we could help them. Starting it in our little own ways will contribute a lot. Let us all be part of the ONE campaign and help in making poverty a history.

Here is another informative video:

End poverty. Be a part of it. Till then! I hope you find this post sensible.

6 Comment(s) -:

Anonymous said...

Pooor people..
I can imagine really seeing them.
Yeah, how could we let this happen?!

Hmph..I think I better get off my lazy butt now and DONAAATTE ! haha :)

Oh, and the people on this video kinda remind me of a music video by FOB..haha.
It kinda talks about poverty too. :)

This is Mikz/Mixx with her boooring speech. LOL.:)

Mike Gallego said...

life isn't really always pleasant. there is much suffering in this world and many people die.

in fact i was a little teary-eyed while making this entry. the video truly moved my moral sense.

they're still lucky because they are those poor people God wants in heaven.

Ken said...

hey! hindi ako pumunta sa graduation para makita ka! haha... at inunahan mo pa ako magpromote ng blog ko.. tsk tsk.. hehe

you should donate all your money from adsense.. it'll help..

Anonymous said...

it's not our liability to help this loser race. they have hardly surpassed the monkey during the evolution that is maybe why they have such a close similarity to them. those creatures should be left to die!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!

Mike Gallego said...

yes borce. you came to see me. haha!

to deadmickey, i hope when you're in the position that needs help someone of the loser race would be there to help you out. hehe. =))

Anonymous said...

poverty. gives me shivers.