The life of the planet Earth where all human beings inhabit is indeed over an indication of impending danger and harm. From pollution on land, air and water, greenhouse effect up to global-warming which slowly kill our home, the planet Earth. These environmental problems do not only put in danger and affect a small part of the world or a certain group of people, but the whole humanity. We have recognized these as global problems, a result of our antecedents’ abuse and negligence.
Are you aware of the things that could happen to our home and to all of us if it persists? Who else do you wait to think and work out a solution for these problems?
We shall not forget that as human beings inhabiting in the Earth, it is our responsibility to preserve our resources and take care of our environment. The problems we are currently facing must be a challenge for us by God who gave us the duty “to take care of nature and its entire creature.” It is also our responsibility to take care of our own selves, our own lives. Of course, we ought to be saved as nature.
Scientists and experts of the present generation have figured out and realized the need of preserving our environment for its inheritors. The past generations have terribly consumed, used and abused the environment; and we, of the present generation would not wait for the time when all of us could no longer think of any solution for it. We would not want to see the Earth in the future out of its normal shape and form like the moon with its lands full of scars and waters full of stains.
Now, the choice is ours to protect and preserve the nature. I know that the problem could have been lighter if our parents made it so. But, is it the only future we can give to our children? Think. We would not want them to suffer because of our own mistakes and negligence.
It would take us a lot of time to return the Earth to its very normal and healthy condition. Various organizations have initiated many procedures on taking care of our environment for us to follow. Some give out paraphernalia, some do organize seminars and workshops to help us increase our knowledge concerning environmental problems and our responsibility to protect the planet. When we find ourselves so determined and eager enough to solve environmental problems, it is for certain, that the staircase towards our purpose would come within our grasp.
I may already sound like an environmentalist here; but then, it is our RESPONSIBILITY! We love the Earth and we are aware of its problems. Global environmental problems are upon us and we have to stop it.
The Earth. Our only home. Protect it.
4 Comment(s) -:
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Nice blog site you have here. Great articles as well.
thank you erik. forza! ;)
i haven't yet met someone in high school who feels as strongly for the environment as you. it's good to know there are people who care.
hi rap. thanks. ;)
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